FAQs Employees-INDIA

This page might NOT contain all the needed questions. If you have any questions, please reach out to our HR team or Accounts team.

  • Salary

    INDIAN Employees will get their Salary directly deposited to their bank account on the last day of the month (30th or 31st) of every month for the period of 1st to 31st of the previous month. 

    If you have any questions in regards to your salary, please contact our Accounts department.

  • Holidays - 2021 - Indian Office Employee choose Holidays

    01-Jan-2021 (Friday) - New Year

    15-Feb-2021 (Monday) - Presidents Day

    13-Apr-2021 (Tuesday) - Ugadi

    31-May-2021 (Monday) - Memorial Day

    05-Jul-2021 (Monday) - USA Independence Day

    10-Sep-2021 (Friday) - Ganesha Festival

    15-Oct-2021 (Friday) - Vijaya Dashami

    05-Nov-2021 (Friday) - Deepavali

    25-Nov-2021 (Thursday) - Thanksgiving

    24-Dec-2020 (Friday) - Christmas

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